When anyone thinks of a “brand,”they think of the popular global brands like Amazon, Nike, Coke, etc. However, there is more to branding than spending millions of dollars to create global recognition for your brand like these large companies.
In today’s connected world, people are bombarded by businesses, products, services, promotional messages and advertisements in just about every channel. In such a cluttered marketplace, how do you stand out and create a positive image of your business with the right audience? Here you required professional branding services.
Branding services: Whether you are deciding on a name for a new product, service or a logo, you need to create a differentiator from your competitors. You need more than just a name, form and typography. Branding is about understanding the attributes that your target audience appreciates in a business and blending your business values and personality with these attributes. The idea is to project what your business is all about in a way that would connect with your target audience.

Branding services include:

• Developing a brand identity usage guidelines
• Brand messaging statements
• Brand Business, product or service name selection
• marketing and promotion strategy
• Developing marketing collaterals
• Presentation design
• Customer persona development
• Logo design
• Brochure and stationery design
• Vision and mission statements
• Packaging and product design
• Website design and development
• Email and landing page design
• Employee communication and messaging

Why its required:

Many business owners make the mistake of only thinking of their brand after their business or products launch. Even the company logo is often forgotten. When the realization of the need for a logo finally dawns, many businesses either retain the services of freelance designers or buy a pre-designed logo online. Most believe that it does not matter. By the time reality sets in, the damage is done. You do not get a second chance to make a first impression, and your logo is often the very first thing someone will notice about your business.
According to branding and marketing experts, the value of a company’s goods and services are measured by presentation of the brand. In other words, consumers will judge the value of your business by how they perceive your brand. So, let’s say that you own a financial services company. Your consumers will not only judge your business on the banking products that you offer, but they will also judge you on your brand.
Consumers are very prejudiced when it comes to comparison shopping. Sure, they want quality service and an excellent product — they also want it to be wrapped in a nice package – consistently.
Every business is unique and wants to recognized for the unique value they provide. However, how do you project your value proposition? How do you create the business differentiator that will make you stand out from your competition? This is where professional branding services come in.
SMPAY helps corporate and small orgnisation t create brand identity in market.