All over the world Digital payment wallet solutions are laying foundation for the next generation payment systems and infrastructure. Not only payments, Mobile wallet solutions also provide banks with an opportunity to boost their customer relationships, market differentiation and revenue sources.

SMPAY payment wallet solution allows you to offer multiple functionalities and services on a single platform. Moreover, it also offers several use cases for various segments that involve types of billers, merchants, customers, agents, etc. Not only that, our digital payment wallet also provides omni channel experience to all your users.

Multiple ways to make payments

QR scan: Allow your users to send money in a secure and efficient manner with the help of QR codes scan technology.

Unique ID: Enable your users to transfer money through the unique ID which can be an email ID, phone number, etc.

USSD: With USSD technology, your users can transfer funds, check account balance, and generate mini statements by just dialing few numbers from their phones.

UPI ID: Enable your users to transfer money through the UPI ID created by yourself with your bank account.


eKYC: With SMPAY you can perform eKYC of all your users straight from the mobile application. You users can upload their documents such as driving license, social security number, and many more verification.

Wallet personalization: We Target multiple segments with SMPAY to open various wallet variants based on the KYC information of the customer, their transaction capabilities, limits, and the rest of the other features.

Seamless Integration: SMPAY wallet’s open standard based architecture, host integration, and ready-to-use wallet APIs make it possible for all the clients to seamlessly and cost-efficiently integrate the enterprise application.

Security: SMPAY Payment wallet solution comes with highly secure end-to-end encryption and multiple security and compliance certificates like, 3DES security, MD5 Hashing and audit trials.